Surface Blind 180 Tips by David Ngiam Video : Andy Huang Photo : Guy Tanaka The Surface Blind 180 or the Surface Backside (BS) 180 is not a difficult trick but makes for a cool transition, if you are going from a regular trick to a switch trick or vice versa. If you comfortable doing the Power …

Ollie Tips by David Ngiam Video : Vania Lim Photo : Guy Tanaka The Ollie, also known as the Bunny Hop, is basically popping off the flat surface of the water. An Ollie 180 is when you jump off the water, turn and land in the fakie position. To execute an Ollie, the easiest is …

Ollie 180 Tips by David Ngiam Video : Vania Lim Photo : Guy Tanaka Also known as the Ollie Frontside 180, it is a good idea to work on your Surface 180s first so that you’re comfortable riding fakie. If you are, then ollie up but don’t rush the 180 turn. Once your tail has released …

Ollie Blind 180 Tips by David Ngiam Video : Guy Tanaka Photo : Roger Koa The Ollie Blind 180 or Ollie Backside 180 is a little more technical compared to the regular Ollie Frontside 180. This is because you are turning blind away from the direction of travel with the handle wrapped behind you, which is a …

Surface 180 Tips by David Ngiam Video : Samuel Ngiam Photo : Guy Tanaka Before you start the trick, you may want to use smaller fins on your board. Next, get your boat driver to drop the speed by a quarter of your normal speed. The slower speed makes the water beneath you softer and your …

Surface 360 Tips by David Ngiam Video : Charlene Tan Photo : Guy Tanaka This trick is an extension of the surface 180. To start of, seperate the trick into two parts. If you have already tried the surface 180 before, well, that’s exactly what the first half of the trick is. The tricky part is …

Lip Slide Tips by David Ngiam Video : Chris Yeo Photo : Kevin Tan A frontside lipslide is basically riding the board sideways on the lip (top) of the wake. It can also be referred to as a boardslide depending on which side you are approaching the wake from. See the Tricktionary for more detailed description. …

Lip Slide 180 Tips by David Ngiam Video : David Ngiam Photo : Guy Tanaka The lipslide 180 is a cool looking trick and makes a fluid transition if you are doing a switch trick next. This trick isn’t too hard to learn but its a little deceiving if you’re over-confident about it when attempting it for …

Power Slide Tips by David Ngiam Video : David Ngiam Photo : Amos Boon The power slide or power spray is where you cut out on your heelside into the flats and make a quick short turn on your blindside (or backside rotation), such that you’re skimming the water surfce with only the front edge of …